Adding Video As Page Attribute Type
I want to set up a theme that will include video, either from vimeo or youtube. I want to create a page type and add a custom attribute to this page type for video. I have done this for images but don't see how to do this for streaming video. It might even work if there was a way to ad an attribute for the youtube or vimeo link. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

there is no video attribute for concrete5, but you could make one. Otherwise I'd go with the link as an attribute.
If I go with the link as an attribute how can I control the size of the video and then what code would I need in the template/page type to pull in these attributes so that admin could fill these in when adding this page type? I appreciate your help.
My programming knowledge is limited so creating a video attribute may be beyond me.
My programming knowledge is limited so creating a video attribute may be beyond me.