advanced permissions bug?
I'm building a stack with an html block rendering an "img src". I only want the block to display to "guests". I have set permissions appropriately ( I believe ) but the block still renders when logged in as admin. If I apply the Guest Views "hide for registered users" template from the marketplace, POOF, it's gone!! But shouldn't advanced permissions be doing this also ?? :| See attached...

bump... anybody ??
I don't know if this is the case, but being super-admin transcends many permission checks.
As an experiment, maybe create another user with just admin permission and see if you can get what you want with that.
As an experiment, maybe create another user with just admin permission and see if you can get what you want with that.
using advanced permissions it does in fact hide it from everyone but the super user. It just doesn't make sense to me that the core permissions model cant cover up a block that a free marketplace add-on can, when in fact the core permissions lead one to believe it SHOULD be hidden...
If it was hidden from everyone including the super user, you would never be able to change the permissions back again :)