Advanced Permissions - Child page affecting parent?


I have a problem with my Advanced Permissions. It's a doozy, but I'm going to try and be clear… lol

I have the Home page set to View: Guest and the rest Admin, and all first tier navigation pages set to inherit those permissions (quite standard). There is 1 section for Members who's child pages are set to View: Paid Member (Admin edit) and it's set to Manual.

However, whenever I would change the permissions to those Paid Member restricted child pages it would cascade 'above' them to all other pages site-wide… changing all the other first tier pages to Manual and setting them to View: Guest manually kept them from cascading, but changes to Members' child pages affect the parent Members page for some reason, even though it's set to Manual. This 'upwards' cascading of permissions isn't making any sense.

Caching is off. Clear cache. Reset browser. No idea what's going on.

One other thought/ oddity is that there is some residual URL stuff in a few blocks. I built the site using a backdoor URL prior to pointing the actual domain ( and every once in a while the /~cpanel_username crops up in the URL…

Base URL is set to and every once in a while you'll see It is affecting logging in/ sessions, but I'm not sure if it's related to my permissions getting wonky.

Any ideas? Things to reset/ nuke? I would be willing to nuke Advanced Permissions site wide and start with default permissions if it would help/ there is a way to do such a thing…

Thanks all.



canvasdreams replied on at Permalink Reply
I was able to make the entire /Members page and /Members sub-pages only available to Paid Members. This is temporary.

To clarify:

I want to make the /Members page viewable to Guests and all its child pages only viewable to those in the group Paid Members. However, when I go to a child page (Forums or Resources are both set to Manual permissions) and set the View to Paid Members it magically affects the parent page /Members…

Also, on the Home page all the pages in the navigation have correct URLs ( but on any other page that cPanel account name gets into the URLs, screwing up the session and who knows what else ( I can't find a reference to ~acube in any file other than SQL backups, and there they are in Notifications and Logs tables.

My site.php has:


DB Config info…

define('BASE_URL', '');
//define('DIR_REL', '');

define('REDIRECT_TO_BASE_URL', true);



Any ideas? Thanks again. I have no idea why Permissions isn't behaving all of a sudden…


mkly replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Sorry about missing this one.

When working with permissions, make sure to disable and clear your cache if you haven't already.

- test-child

I set members to View guest(the default) and test-child to the settings in the attached screeshot. This is blocking the site for Guests to subpages. Take a look at the screenshot and let me know if you have something different.

The screenshot is for a child page not the top level Members.

Best Wishes,
canvasdreams replied on at Permalink Reply
Turned off pretty urls, clear cache, emptied /cache folder and cPanel's /tmp folder (not C5's). Urls are behaving…

So that's cool.