All Nav from homepage simply reloads homepage

I have no idea what has happened. When accessing site as a guest, all subpage navigation links simply reload the homepage. I've tried turning on/off pretty urls (was initially off). I've checked the permissions, they are all set for guest. All the pages are accessible and editable when logged in to concrete5 as admin for site editing.
Found one thread searching on google where a guy had the same problem - but all he said was that it worked the next day and he didn't know why.
Please help, I need this fixed by tuesday, as there is a board meeting involving this site.
To the best of my knowledge, the site was working fine at first.
The site
Thanks for your help!

A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you post your .htaccess?
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply


This is what a search in my file manager returns. The top result opens nothing when clicked on. The middle one yields 2 folders with .wav files in them. The bottom one has two file: index.html which is 2bytes in size, and securimage.sq3.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
If you open the first .htaccess in a text editor, you see an empty file? If not, could you post its contents?
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^index.html$ / [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^index.htm$ / [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^index.asp$ / [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^index.phtml$ / [L,R=301]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^rogerbot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^exabot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^MJ12bot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^dotbot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^gigabot [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^AhrefsBot
RewriteRule .* - [F]

# BEGIN OldUrls

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RewriteRule ^index.php$ files/index.php-option-com_content-view-category-layout-blog-id-20-itemid-63.html [L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^option=com_user&view=reset$
RewriteRule ^index.php$ files/index.php-option-com_user-view-reset.html [L]
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RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^option=com_user&view=remind$
RewriteRule ^index.php$ files/index.php-option-com_user-view-remind.html [L]
# END OldUrls

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . / [L,R=301]

A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
You got to download the file (eg with ftp) and then open it in a text
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, got it, edited that last reply to include it - no idea what any of it means though, lol - much to new to webdesign for that. Thank you for your continuing help, btw! :D
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
This looks like an .htaccess from Joomla, is that right? The quickest way to fix the issue is probably to make a backup of this file and replace its contents with the .htaccess concrete5 provides (see /index.php/dashboard/system/seo/urls). Once the file has been updated, test the website again in-cognito.
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm completely new to web design, so bear with my questions. I believe Joomla was installed at one time, perhaps when the slate was wiped the hidden files weren't deleted? Also - when I appended the info from your reply to my dashboard, it took me to where I turn pretty urls on and off. I have no idea where the .htaccess info that concrete5 provides is so that I can replace what is there now. Can you direct me a little more clearly on where to copy/paste that from?
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Try this:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.html !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index.php !-f
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you! I replaced the info, saved the file, refreshed the page in my other browser - the problem is still the same - no sub pages will open.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, something has changed. Because now I get a 404-page ( whereas before I got redirected to the home page.

The problem now is that there may be a redirect in some block, some template, some controller, some database entry, some javascript... Basically everywhere.

I'm afraid you have to do some debugging or hire someone to fix it.
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
Wait - I see I needed to edit the rewrite base line - what do I put there? /salemapplebutterfestival/ or / or something else, like the installation path, or what? Again, sorry my knowledge is so rudimentary in this area.
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
Also - there are 2 other instances of .htaccess found in the system:



They both say "deny from all"
Is this related at all?
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
No, that's not related.
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, good to know! :) The error code 404 you got was because I saved the text wrong at first, and had to resave. It's now simply the same as originally - redirect to home page.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
That's not true. I checked the sitemap.xml and 404-page after reading your initial post. I was redirect to home. I'm checking now, but I don't get redirected. That's why I'm saying something has changed.

If I debug in Chrome, Network, I see you get a 302 response code on the sub pages. You get redirected by the server, so you can exclude JavaScript.

Maybe you can search through your application directory for the text "302" and see what pops up?

Also, the fact that you're not redirected on the 404 page is interesting. It might be a block or something that redirects you to the homepage. Well let me know what you find.
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried a file search for 302, nothing meaningful seemed to come up accept there were a couple of addons that had not been updating correctly, so I uninstalled them. That didn't seem to get any effect. code 302 still coming up on subpages. I am completely at a loss. Thank you for all your help - perhaps someone else out there has come across this issue and may chime in?
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
If you feel comfortable sending me an FTP login, I could take a look. If you do so, please send a PM.
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
The issue has been resolved and was caused by an "Under Construction" package that redirected visitors to the home page.
Raven8712 replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh my goodness, how awesome you are! I'm am seriously grateful to you. I did install that package, but never did anything else with it, so it never crossed my mind.
Thank you ever so much!
embodyperiod replied on at Permalink Reply
SO grateful for this thread right now. Had the same problem. Tremendously relieved it's actually a very easy fix!
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
A3020 replied on at Permalink Reply
Btw @Raven8712, it's best practice to mark something as best answer. That makes it easier for others to quickly find an answer, removes the topic from the "unanswered questions" filter and gives "karma" to the person who helped.