Allow group to access/modify only one file set

I'm trying to set up advanced permissions so that users in a group (I'll call it GroupA) can only view/modify the files in one particular set (I'll call it SetA). I really don't want them to be able to do anything else on the site other than view/search/add/delete files in this set.

I was able to find the custom permissions for the SetA file set and added GroupA to all of the appropriate permissions but when I log in as a user in GroupA I can't seem to access the file manager. I also tried going in to System & Settings > File Manager Settings and giving "search files in file manager" rights to GroupA but I still wasn't able to access it.

The only way I was able to access the file manager as a user in GroupA was by going to the Full Sitemap (show system pages) then under Dashboard I did "Set Permissions" on "Files" and gave "View" to GroupA. By doing this I could get to the File Manger as a user in GroupA, however, I was able to see all of the files in the file manager, not just those in SetA. I'm thinking there has to be a better way.

Anyone have any suggestions?

bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Well I found a work-around for now, but I'm kind of hoping there is a better way.

I used the method described in the following link (up to step 6), however I restricted everything except the File Manager (rather than Composer):

Then I set custom permissions on SetA giving GroupA access, and set custom permissions on all the other file sets excluding GroupA.

This seems to work for now. Users in GroupA can only see the file manager in the dashboard and only see files in SetA, so long as all the other files are in sets that exclude GroupA. I was just hoping there was a way to give access to one particular set, rather than having to take away access from every other set.

Any other ideas would be much appreciated.