An excellent reason to NOT use the protocol (i.e. http or https) in any direct calls to Google for JQuery.

I found this tid bit of a nugget while reading up on this.

It may help someone else out.


VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for posting this Carlos, very interesting read.
carlos123 replied on at Permalink Reply
My pleasure Vidall. I sometimes look around at newer posts (i.e. not one's from many months ago) to see if I can contribute more by helping to answer some questions but with most all the questions I see...I have little clue as to how to answer them as I am still very limited in my experience of C5.

So...I figure, for now, I can contribute by posting tid bits and nuggets which I find from time to time that are really insightful or worth reading for me as a web developer in the hopes that they may help others here.
