An unexpected error occurred. File not found -

An unexpected error occurred.

File not found. All themes need default.php and carousel.php files in them. Consult concrete5 documentation on how to create these files.

Ok somehow I have managed to change my view.php to carousel.php I am not to sure how, I was trying to set a custom template on blocks that appear within an area, but have somehow altered the default template for everything.

So of course can not access any of the dashboard?

Does anyone know how I can undo what I have done, is there a setting I can amend or point me to the database location where this info is stored.

Many Thanks

TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok I have found the location for this, its found within the base.php in /concrete/config/base.php

there is a line which reads
define('FILENAME_BLOCK_VIEW', 'carousel.php');
define('FILENAME_COLLECTION_VIEW', 'carousel.php');
define('FILENAME_THEMES_VIEW', 'carousel.php');

now its to try and work out how I managed to change this from within my page, I'm sure there is a potential bug in there somewhere?
landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe I missed something when I read the docs on creating themes, but where does it say all themes should have a carousel.php?
TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply
It doesn't I somehow managed to change to these values?.

I think it was me using $a->setCustomTemplate("carousel.php");, (This is the incorrect function but I was playing around with various settings to try and get the template to load and somehow managed to change the entire sites template)

I was searching the DB thinking this would be in here somewhere, but its not.

I changed the values back to view.php, whihc is what they should be and all works again now