An Unexpected Error Occurred - ?
I was just logged into my C5 site, editing a Nav block on the blog's main page (I'm using ProBlog), and I got this error:
Any idea what this means??
AN UNEXPECTED ERROR OCCURRED. mysqlt error: [1054: Unknown column 'ctID' in 'where clause'] in EXECUTE("select cID from Pages where 1=1 and ctID = 0 and (cFilename like '/login.php' or cFilename like '/register.php' or cFilename like '/download_file.php' or cFilename like '/profile/%' or cFilename like '/dashboard/%' or cFilename like '/page_forbidden%' or cFilename like '/page_not_found%' )") - See more at: http://localhost/site/path-to/index.php?cID=130#sthash.XbCFAw.dpuf
Any idea what this means??