"Header Nav" produces no navigation

This is my first C5 Theme I'm attempting to create. It's my understanding that "Header Nav" is a pre-defined Area name, and that naming an area "Header Nav" will automatically produce the navigation structure in HTML.

On my site, nothing is produced. In edit mode, the area is recognized, but it won't let me actually edit it. It shows up, and when I mouse over, it darkens, but the cursor does not change to a pointer and nothing happens when I click.

Here's the code:
<div class="mainNav">
         $a = new Area('Header Nav');
   </div><!-- .mainNav -->

adavis replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply

It's my understanding that "Header Nav" is a pre-defined Area name, and that naming an area "Header Nav" will automatically produce the navigation structure in HTML.

You must place some sort of navigation block (ex. autonav) into that area to generate a nav.

Not sure why you are unable to edit the area as you describe. You might try clearing all your cache (browser, and in C5 as well in the dashboard). Also check your template markup for errors.

Hope that helps
Pritam replied on at Permalink Reply
Also its not necessary that you have to use default names for editable regions, like in your example you could have also named it "mynavarea" or whatever.
bengenares replied on at Permalink Reply
I discovered it was a z-index issue. It really doesn't make sense because the thing that had the z-index is the parent, so the nested "add block" code should inherit it. I guess the javascript is changing things a bit.

Here's another Navigation related question. I built all my pages in the CMS first, then read about the default content that you can set on page types. Is there any way to set the default content and have it propagate through all the pages that already exist. So can I add the auto nav to all existing pages without going back to each page and manually adding them?

Or even better, is there a way to set up the auto nav directly into the theme, and not by adding a block to the CMS?
adavis replied on at Permalink Reply
Lots of good how-to tutorials, hope this one helps:

nickodalton replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for the post!

This was also an issue I had, I couldn't use the link 'add to header nav' (even though mouseover function was working) as I had an absolutely positioned nav bar on my single page - I reduced the z-index to 1 and all was OK.

Hope this helps others
phpsoftsol replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi same problem i found,
and i discovered that in header part, css conflicting error found.
So please remove the z-index property of css and you found the better result.