"validate_user_email.php" - How to style
I am having problems with a custom validate_user_email.php. I am writing a new body where I write a new text in danish.
It works all right, but I am writing the text in danish and every danish character "æ ø å" is showing up as "?".
How do I tell the e-mail body in the template that it should act and send danish characters correctly? I think that it is something about setting the UTF8 somehow! But I just cant figure it out!
Regards Michael
I am having problems with a custom validate_user_email.php. I am writing a new body where I write a new text in danish.
It works all right, but I am writing the text in danish and every danish character "æ ø å" is showing up as "?".
How do I tell the e-mail body in the template that it should act and send danish characters correctly? I think that it is something about setting the UTF8 somehow! But I just cant figure it out!
Regards Michael
Thank's for your reply, Jordan,
The site is installed width a Danish version (po translation) of Concrete5. I have no problems on the site it self. Every thing works like a charm. And if you see my validate_user_email.php file (see below), the æøå and ÆØÅ shows up correctly.
It is only in the received e-mail in the in-box of outlook the issue occures (see below):
Tak for din interresse i BE-COACH Danmark og selvf�lgelig din interresse i e-bogen - Fra Iv�rks�tter til Coach med Succes
hvor du kan du l�se om regler og principper for hvordan du opretter et system, der automatisk tiltr�kker nye kunder til
din coach forretning og andre markedsf�rings elementer for en succesrig coachforretning..
For at f� adgang til e-bogen skal du validere din e-mail adresse.
Klik p� f�lgende link for at validere din e-mail adresse: BE-COACH Danmark
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Med venlig hilsen BE-COACH Danmark
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(As I understand) Normally when you send an email, you tell the header of the email what language it is supposed to be.
But I would just like to know - Is there a setting somewhere I have missed?
Regards Michael
The site is installed width a Danish version (po translation) of Concrete5. I have no problems on the site it self. Every thing works like a charm. And if you see my validate_user_email.php file (see below), the æøå and ÆØÅ shows up correctly.
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $subject = SITE . " " . t("Registration - Validate Email Address"); $body = t(" Hej, Tak for din interresse i BE-COACH Danmark og selvfølgelig din interresse i e-bogen - Fra Iværksætter til Coach med Succes hvor du kan du læse om regler og principper for hvordan du opretter et system, der automatisk tiltrækker nye kunder til din coach forretning og andre markedsførings elementer for en succesrig coachforretning.. For at få adgang til e-bogen skal du validere din e-mail adresse. Klik på følgende link for at validere din e-mail adresse: %s %s Rigtig god fornøjelse med læsning af bogen! Med venlig hilsen %s Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til os ved at klikke på følgende URL:http://www.be-coach.dk/index.php/kontakt/...
Viewing 15 lines of 17 lines. View entire code block.
It is only in the received e-mail in the in-box of outlook the issue occures (see below):
Tak for din interresse i BE-COACH Danmark og selvf�lgelig din interresse i e-bogen - Fra Iv�rks�tter til Coach med Succes
hvor du kan du l�se om regler og principper for hvordan du opretter et system, der automatisk tiltr�kker nye kunder til
din coach forretning og andre markedsf�rings elementer for en succesrig coachforretning..
For at f� adgang til e-bogen skal du validere din e-mail adresse.
Klik p� f�lgende link for at validere din e-mail adresse: BE-COACH Danmark
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Rigtig god forn�jelse med l�sning af bogen!
Med venlig hilsen BE-COACH Danmark
Du er altid velkommen til at skrive til os ved at klikke p� f�lgende URL:
--(Link Removed)--
(As I understand) Normally when you send an email, you tell the header of the email what language it is supposed to be.
But I would just like to know - Is there a setting somewhere I have missed?
Regards Michael
OK - Found the problem, and IT IS NOT CONCRETE5 who has the problem.
The problem is Outlook - Should have looked there in the first place (Microsoft).
Problem is when Outlook recieves plain text email in UTF8 format, Outlook then just trashes all special characters.
I found a solution on this webpage -
It would be nice if it was possible to change the encoding in Concrete5 - So still have some work to do, finding where that is done!
I think I will ask in the beta test forum!
The problem is Outlook - Should have looked there in the first place (Microsoft).
Problem is when Outlook recieves plain text email in UTF8 format, Outlook then just trashes all special characters.
I found a solution on this webpage -
It would be nice if it was possible to change the encoding in Concrete5 - So still have some work to do, finding where that is done!
I think I will ask in the beta test forum!
You can try isolating the thing that's causing the problem, then figure out how to fix that:
When you save the validate_user_email.php file, close it, then open it again in your text editor, are the danish characters still there?
Does normal content in your site allow danish characters (like if you add a content block to a page with danish characters, do they get displayed on the page properly?)
Paste the text of your template file into a new email and send it to yourself -- does it display properly?
Post back here when you have more details -- that should help in figuring out the issue.