Animation framework compatibility

I'm interested in building a site that incorporates the Greensock Javascript framework, site is a long term project (at least 1 year) and will be extremely dynamic, see for some ideas of what kind of functionality I'm interested in achieving. So, if you were to build a site similar to the Hobbit site using C5, what would you consider before getting started?? Thanks for your insight!

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think there's much to consider. I'm not sure how well you can use an in-site-editing CMS for such a site as you don't really have DIV's etc. where you can place content.

It seems more like something you build using code with a few content elements.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The greensock intro page says it can work through a jquery plugin or alongside jquery, so I wouldn't expect there to be any fundamental incompatibilities if you pulled in the libraries in a block or theme.

As @Remo notes, its more what you want to do with it than anything difficult to do with the engineering.

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