another jquery slideshow

Permalink 1 user found helpful
Hi all,
I'm pretty new to C5 but have managed to get my site more or less up and running already using the default template. I have done html and css coding before, but never php or jquery, so I don't have the foggiest about them at the moment. I know c5 has a built in jquery slideshow, but the options are pretty limited it would appear.

Has anyone seen the jquery slideshow from ? It looks easy to use, and has a few extra nice tweaks to it that the built in one doesn't. How easy would it be to just drop right in to my site? Would I need to create a block for it?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
You most likely can use the html block for this if nothing in the marketplace fits your desires. The only thing is you will have to hard code the images. I have done this in the past before the plethora of blocks in the marketplace. Any special js librarys can be loaded in the page properties :: extra header content area (( i think)).

stretchrt replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you mean hard coding the path to the images? If so that shouldn't be an issue. It sounds like it shouldn't be too hard then, which is great.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply