Are additional URLs doing 301 redirect?

Are additional URLs defined on the page properties C5's built in 301 redirects? Or 301 redirects must be implemented through .htaccess?

jero replied on at Permalink Reply
I assume you're talking about the additional paths that you can set in the page properties?

Yes, a 301 Moved Permanently is being done, but it's not being done by .htaccess.
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks jero.
Yes I was talking about the additional paths that you can set in the page properties.

I was thinking 301's are only done by .htaccess. I suppose C5's built-in feature in the script is doing what is otherwise achieved using .htaccess.
jero replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It's most likely the header() function in PHP that's doing the hard work:

header ("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header ("Location:");
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks jero. That makes sense.
That bit of code is in /concrete/startup/url_check.php.
BlueFractals replied on at Permalink Reply
Just reviving an old post.
Looks like it's actually handled by the code in /concrete/startup/external_link.php file:

header('Location: ' . Loader::helper('navigation')->getLinkToCollection($c, true), true, 301);