Associate multiple emails to one user

I'd like to associate multiple email addresses to one user account. I am using Tony's Mailer add-on (which is excellent BTW).
If you're curious why read on.
I want to send an email to a Mr. and Mrs. Smith, who are both invited to my event. When I send the email, it automatically appends the username ("Mr. & Mrs. Smith) to the email salutation, so the invitation refers to two invitees.
Now Mr. and Mrs. Smith don't have a mutual email address, but a Mr. Smith address and then a Mrs. Smith address. So I will send the invitation to both addresses, but it must pull the "Mr. & Mrs Smith" user on both occasions, since I am not inviting them separately.
Any idea how to pull this off?

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
you would need to make a new attribute and have the addon check if the attribute has a value and if it does add it to the to
duxferrarie replied on at Permalink Reply
Your answer got a cut off, but it sounds like you have something in mind. Care to finish that off?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
oops looks like it didn't finish submitting :P

you could make a new attribute for example email2 as the handle, and then modify the package to do an if exists statement or something and if it exists then add it to the to field
jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dux --

Did you end up developing this? I'd like to do something similar with addresses (for a pseudo-ecom site), and starter code would be helpful.
