Attributes in panel don't appear.
I have a pretty grave issue. I delivered a project for a client, but there is a problem I cannot seem to rectify. When I am editing and want to view the page attributes, I can see existing attributes, but what should be the available attributes on the left are simply missing. All the other panels seem to work ok but that one. If I try to access via the Site Map, the loading bar advances to the end and does nothing. All the other features seem to work, but I need access to the attributes. I tried swapping out the theme to Elemental, tried reinstalling the application and reimporting the data, no luck. Tried removing all addons, and there seems to be an issue with the Page Selector Attribute and and Page Redirect. I can't remove them. Gives me an error : An exception occurred while executing 'DELETE FROM AttributeKeys WHERE akID = ?' with params [89]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`lin_mfg2`.`atemptysettings`, CONSTRAINT `FK_ED1BF189B6561A7E` FOREIGN KEY (`akID`) REFERENCES `AttributeKeys` (`akID`)). Please help a poor web guy out... Address is: