Auto Activation Email Notificaiotn
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Does anyone know if there's a way to configure Concrete5 to send an auto email notification when their member registration request has been activated? Any info that can be shared on this item is most appreciated. Thanks.

That is easy. Simply go to the Dashboard > System & Settings > Public Registration. There is a option to send a email when a person registers. Click that and you are good to go.
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately that option isn't the one I'm looking for. What I'd like to know is whether or not it's possible to configure Concrete5 to send an auto email to a member when their account has been activated as opposed to sending an auto email when someone has submitted a site registration request. Thanks.
What do you mean by activated?
I assume the question is in reference to having "approve manually" turned on in dashboard > public Registration ...
That is correct. The option "Approve Manually" is selected in the Dashboard and we're wanting to know if there's a way to configure Concrete5 to send an auto email notification to the member when their account has been activated. Thanks.
I don't think that there is a way to do this. There is the Mailer addon that you could send them a email from, but this is not automated. If there are not going to be a lot of people being activated, this might be a fine way to go.
I checked out the mailer add-on. Unfortunately it seems you can one send and email out to all active users. There doesn't appear to exist within the app the ability to send an email to a specific user.
Ah hah! I believe I have found the answer that you are looking for!
Thanks for the link and the info. My primary concern and confusion (there are others but this is the main one) is that after all of the additions and modification discussed in the instructions at the link provided have been made and someone then attempts to activate a registration via the Activate button on the registration profile how will Concrete5 know to launch or "call" the on_activation.php script? As you can probably can tell by my question I'm not really a programmer and definitely not that familiar with php.
Also, would it be possible to make this into an add-on administered via the Dashboard back-end where there would be another button on the registration profile in the back-end that says something like 'Activate-SendEmail' and when that button is pushed the registration would be made active and an email would be auto sent to the member with a pre-set message text (configured by an admin in the back-end via some kind of template) and other relevant fields such as email address, username, password, First name, etc. The email template used to create the auto-generated email could also be configured to include additional fields that would also be auto-populated with registration specific information and included in the email sent to registered member. Any insight or info anyone can share on this is much appreciated. Thank you.
Also, would it be possible to make this into an add-on administered via the Dashboard back-end where there would be another button on the registration profile in the back-end that says something like 'Activate-SendEmail' and when that button is pushed the registration would be made active and an email would be auto sent to the member with a pre-set message text (configured by an admin in the back-end via some kind of template) and other relevant fields such as email address, username, password, First name, etc. The email template used to create the auto-generated email could also be configured to include additional fields that would also be auto-populated with registration specific information and included in the email sent to registered member. Any insight or info anyone can share on this is much appreciated. Thank you.
It calls the on_activation.php here.
In the next step you create a custom on_activate.php file in the models folder. I think that this should work. I can't test it because my site is not up on a server yet.
Events::extend('on_user_activate', 'OnActivation', 'sendActivationMail', 'models/on_activation.php');
In the next step you create a custom on_activate.php file in the models folder. I think that this should work. I can't test it because my site is not up on a server yet.
Best answer!! I just stumbled upon this same how to and came looking for this thread to share it :)
What a dope I must be! :-( It appears this request is already a native feature within Concrete5. My apologies to everyone who took the time to respond. Thanks.
Thanks for the link, Blenderite. It helped me too.