Auto-Nav problem
Hi fellow Concreters.
I have a problem with Auto-Nav the way it shows up. I attached picture.
I would like to have it like this:
But it shows up like this:
I use custom template - Breadcrumb
Any help would be appreciated.
High five!
I have a problem with Auto-Nav the way it shows up. I attached picture.
I would like to have it like this:
But it shows up like this:
I use custom template - Breadcrumb
Any help would be appreciated.
High five!
Hi mnakalay,
sure, here is the link:
I would like to have some sort of navigation so visitor can see on which site currently is.
Thanx for help,
sure, here is the link:
I would like to have some sort of navigation so visitor can see on which site currently is.
Thanx for help,
Hi again,
Sorry I was not clear enough. I didn't mean the website, I meant the code for the Breadcrumb template you are using.
Normally that template is just a few lines of code and pretty straightforward so your problems looks like the template was modified and something is missing.
You can find the file in root_of_your_website/concrete/blocks/autonav/templates or maybe in root_of_your_website/blocks/autonav/templates if you are overriding the original template
Sorry I was not clear enough. I didn't mean the website, I meant the code for the Breadcrumb template you are using.
Normally that template is just a few lines of code and pretty straightforward so your problems looks like the template was modified and something is missing.
You can find the file in root_of_your_website/concrete/blocks/autonav/templates or maybe in root_of_your_website/blocks/autonav/templates if you are overriding the original template
aha, sorry I didn't understand.
Here is the code:
aha, sorry I didn't understand.
Here is the code:
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $navItems = $controller->getNavItems(); foreach ($navItems as $ni) { if (!$ni->isFirst) { echo ' <span class="ccm-autonav-breadcrumb-sep">></span> '; } if ($ni->isCurrent) { echo $ni->name; } else { echo '<a href="' . $ni->url . '" target="' . $ni->target . '">' . $ni->name . '</a>'; } }
I don't see any problem, that's weird.
According to this code, the only way you would get the mistake you're getting is if the code decided the 3rd level was a first level and then it wouldn't show the ">"
According to this code, the only way you would get the mistake you're getting is if the code decided the 3rd level was a first level and then it wouldn't show the ">"
I know, and that's weird...
Can't get it right... buwah... :(
Can't get it right... buwah... :(
I figure out how to do it...
I overwrite concrete/block/autonav (right now I use concrete5.6.0.2) with an older version of it from (concrete5.6.1b4) and that's it. :0)
Thank you for your time.
I overwrite concrete/block/autonav (right now I use concrete5.6.0.2) with an older version of it from (concrete5.6.1b4) and that's it. :0)
Thank you for your time.
Hi again,
just in case you want to try something different so you don't have to use older stuff, check this post (apparently your problem is a known bug that was fixed in C5 5.6.1 the latest version)
just in case you want to try something different so you don't have to use older stuff, check this post (apparently your problem is a known bug that was fixed in C5 5.6.1 the latest version)
I think you would get more help if you posted the template so we can check the code because it really looks like a code problem