Auto nav seems not to reconize second level links

Anyone knows a solution on this issue.
In my sitemap, see attach file, I have some second level links.
But when I use auto nav the output shows the links oke but seems to overrule there second level status. In other words: all links are printed as they are all first level links.
Any help on this one?

Best regards,

1 Attachment

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you be a little more specific? It looks like you're showing a screenshot of the dashboard sitemap, but your problem is with your autonav (??)

And when you say "2nd level", do you mean the pages under the home page? The autonav block treats the home page as if it were on the same level as the level just beneath it.

Or do you mean that your 2nd level links are not indented properly? If this is the case, you'll need to adjust your CSS to make the menu look correct.
vincedelaking replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordan,

Indeed the screenshot is from the dashboard sitemap.
I am using the AutoNav to show-up the sitemap (in a sidebar) but all links are nested in the main UL, meaning childs like 'Instellingen' are not recognised as childs but placed on the same level als there parents.
So it seems that childs are not recognised as childs.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Are you using a custom template? (Either one of the built-in ones -- like "header_menu" -- or your own one that you built yourself)? That would be the only reason I could think that they wouldn't be in nested <ul>/<li> tags.

If you could link to the page in question or paste in the html that it's outputting, that would be helpful.
vincedelaking replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordan,

Pff how stupid can I be? That is offcource the thing. I see than when I do not include a template it shows the nested <ul> tags. So I start from there.
Thanks for showing my error.

Best regards,