Automated Jobs create lot of files

Hello, i have a strange bug.
In my website folder, concrete5 crete one file by job call !
how can i desactivate this ?

In fact, the files are not in the website folder, but in a parent folder of my httpdocs !

It's due to C5 or my webserver ?

Thanks for your help

ms C5 version is on apache2 / php 5.3.3

1 Attachment

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
what is the file name? what appears to be in the file?
geoffreymorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
the file name is : jobs?auth=1db6677178e6b171ed029104500f7e23

and it's contain a JSON response from the tasks.
Same response like thats appear if you open the job url in a browser.

The strange thing it's the location of the file ( outside the http folder )

Thanks for your help
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If it happens for all jobs and is above the site root, I suspect that its nothing to do with c5 and is generated by some server enabled output setting.
geoffreymorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
yes i think this case too.

Thanks a lot, i continue to search how to disabl this.
geoffreymorelle replied on at Permalink Reply
ok i have the response !

my wget command is executed from website user root directory ( that is parent of my httpdocs directory )

my wget commant not use -O /dev/null option, and wget create a file with output string.

Juste a simple newbie error :-)