Automatically email site Admin when new registration occurs

Hi guys,

I followed the steps laid out here: to get C5 to automatically send the site admin an email when a new user registers. It's sending the email but it's not pulling the new users UN or PW into the mail.Can anyone help me out?

chadsmith729 replied on at Permalink Reply
Stephen, please try not to double post. Now, can you show the code that you are using that sends the e-mail?

Furthermore you might want to use the hard coded $_POST values in there. I'll take a look when you post the code you are using to send the e-mail.
PassionForCreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Chad,

Thanks for replying. Code is below:

site_events.php is in /config

   Events::extend('on_user_add',             /* event */
                  'ApplicationUser',         /* class */ 
                  'setupUserJoinInfo',       /* method */

notify_new_user_added.php is in /mail
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
$subject = SITE . " " . t("Notification - New User Added");
$body = t("
A new user has registered on
User Name: %s
Email Address: %s
", $uName, $uEmail);
foreach($attribs as $item) {
   $body .= $item . "\n";
$body .= t("
This account may be managed directly at
%s", BASE_URL . View::url('/dashboard/users/search?uID=' . $uID));

application_user.php is in /models
class ApplicationUser extends Object {
  public function setupUserJoinInfo($ui)
     $u = $ui->getUserObject(); 
     // add new user to groups
     $g1 = Group::getByName('unvalidated');
     if (is_object($g1)) { 
     // Notify admin that new user added
     $adminEmailAddress = $adminUserInfo->getUserEmail(); 
     $mh = Loader::helper('mail');

Hope you can help.
chadsmith729 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try to change:
", $uName, $uEmail);

", $_POST['uName'], $_POST['uEmail']);

It's a shot, accessing the $_POST directly.
PassionForCreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Bingo!!!! Cheers Chad
SVijay replied on at Permalink Reply

In application_user.php,

You have added parameter only for username
$mh->addParameter('userName', $ui->getUserName());

and in notify_new_user_added.php

For username you should you $username variable as you set in parameter.

So in application_user.php you need to set one parameter for password and use that variable in notify_new_user_added.php.

For more details see the line 331 in concrete/block/form/controller.php and concrete/mail/block_form_submission.php.

Hope you understand