Autonav help

Hi All,

I've been a bit silly and saved over the original header_menu.php file so now my sub pages aren't droping into their own ul mark up :(

If anyone can help me out that would be great.

here's my code
   defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
   $aBlocks = $controller->generateNav();
   $c = Page::getCurrentPage();
   echo("<ul class=\"nav\">");
   $nh = Loader::helper('navigation');
   $isFirst = true;
   foreach($aBlocks as $ni) {
      $_c = $ni->getCollectionObject();
      if (!$_c->getCollectionAttributeValue('exclude_nav')) {
         $target = $ni->getTarget();
         if ($target != '') {
            $target = 'target="' . $target . '"';
         if ($ni->isActive($c) || strpos($c->getCollectionPath(), $_c->getCollectionPath()) === 0) {

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The header_menu template doesn't show sub-pages. You want to use the default template instead.
r1digital replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Jordanlev,
Finally figured than out in the early hours of the morning. Thanks for replying ;)

Many thanks