Autonav Links to Single Page URLs

If I want to create some single pages that have URL's multiple levels deep, is there a way to add links to these single pages that so that they are created with the autonav block?

For example:

> Projects
>> Project 1
>> Project 2
>>> Register (single page, not actually in my sitemap)

So I would put my single page in this folder:


Is there a way to actually add a link to my sitemap so that 'Register' gets added to my autonavs?

roketto replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
What I've done is created an alias for the single page in the location I wanted. I believe this will do the trick... If not I'll update the post.

For now I'll consider this a working solution.
dsw528 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm still getting used to the ropes when it comes to developing with Concrete5 (behind the scenes), but I would assume it would be easier to add an External Link in your sitemap. External Links appear the same as pages do in an autonav.

I've never tried aliasing a Single Page, since they are supposed to only appear in one spot, hence the term. As long as it works without breaking anything, I guess that would work too.

Hope this helps. :)