Autonav Links to Single Page URLs
If I want to create some single pages that have URL's multiple levels deep, is there a way to add links to these single pages that so that they are created with the autonav block?
For example:
> Projects
>> Project 1
>> Project 2
>>> Register (single page, not actually in my sitemap)
So I would put my single page in this folder:
Is there a way to actually add a link to my sitemap so that 'Register' gets added to my autonavs?
For example:
> Projects
>> Project 1
>> Project 2
>>> Register (single page, not actually in my sitemap)
So I would put my single page in this folder:
Is there a way to actually add a link to my sitemap so that 'Register' gets added to my autonavs?
I'm still getting used to the ropes when it comes to developing with Concrete5 (behind the scenes), but I would assume it would be easier to add an External Link in your sitemap. External Links appear the same as pages do in an autonav.
I've never tried aliasing a Single Page, since they are supposed to only appear in one spot, hence the term. As long as it works without breaking anything, I guess that would work too.
Hope this helps. :)
I've never tried aliasing a Single Page, since they are supposed to only appear in one spot, hence the term. As long as it works without breaking anything, I guess that would work too.
Hope this helps. :)
For now I'll consider this a working solution.