AutoNav question

How do I get an auto nav to work like this:

<li><a href="contact"><img src="<?=$this->getThemePath()?>/images/menu_contact.png"  /></a></li>
<li><a href="services"><img src="<?=$this->getThemePath()?>/images/menu_services.png" /></a></li>
<li><a href="about"><img src="<?=$this->getThemePath()?>/images/menu_about.png" /></a></li>
<li><a href="home"><img src="<?=$this->getThemePath()?>/images/menu_home.png" /></a></li>

Thank you.

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
disclaimer: I wrote this.

This does this really well, and was written with this in mind.

Otherwise, you'll want to create an autonav template that then grabs the collection attribute of file and pipes that through the template via an image tag or using outputThumbnail.