Autonav - show subsections of specific page on 'Home' page

I'm working on a site where I sort of would like to remove the 'Home' page as such and instead send the visitor directly into the page.
A hybrid of this is giving the user a Home landingpage which has some initial information about the company but otherwise is a duplicate of the main 'about our product'-page.
I therefore need the autonav to display the sub sections of the 'about our project'-page on the home page, I have however been unsuccessfull in finding a way of doing this. Any help would be much appreciated!

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Edit the autonav block on your home page, and in the "Display Pages" dropdown menu (which probably says "at the top level." currently), select "Beneath a particular page". Then click on the "Select Page" link and choose your "about our product" page from the sitemap.
ratstew replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanx for the quick answer!
The problem if i do it like that though is that it only shows the subsections of that page, not the main nav:

I need to make it work like this:

Do i need to change the template?
It would also work if I could set the homepage to be the "about-our-product"-page and simply use that as a landing page.
This could be achieved with a 301 redirect in htaccess, seo problems with that?

EDIT: The home page is removed from the nav as it is not needed as anything but a landing page.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure I understand -- do you just mean that you need a dropdown menu? If you don't have any HTML or CSS expertise, then your best bet is to purchase the "Superfish Dropdown" from the marketplace. If you're familiar with making dropdowns in CSS but just don't know how to do it in concrete5, post back here and try to be more detailed about what the exact problem is and I can help explain it better.
ratstew replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm fluent in css and html so no problem there!
The problem is that on the 'Home' page i would like the menu to show a specific selection. If i set it to show "beneath a particular page" only the subsections are shown, i would like to display the top level with a certain selection and that selection's subsections. E.g of the menu structure that should be shown on the home page in my last post.

I think the problem is that the home page is a single node with the other pages as children, i would like it to either be on the same level as the other pages or give another page the site root adress (

Am I just getting more confusing or did this help? :)
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Still not entirely sure what the exact issue is (I don't doubt that there is one -- just not able to grok the situation for some reason).

Perhaps it's related to this:
ratstew replied on at Permalink Reply
hehe thx for trying!
I've looked at the link and it seems to be related, just didn't realize before! So now i know a bit more of what i need to do (always makes asking questions easier)

Some psudo code might help?
if (on homepage){
add(nav-selected && nav-path-selected) to (menu choice 1 <li> and child <a>)

My php is lacking a bit but i've dabbled with it before, not sure how to do this though, i suppose I should do it as a template for the autonav?
ratstew replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for helping me bounce thoughts, here's the solution! this is in a template for autonav:
if (($_c->getCollectionName() == 'PAGE_NAME_OF_DESIRED_SECTION') && ($c->getCollectionID() == HOME_CID)){
  echo('<li class="nav-selected nav-path-selected"><a class="nav-selected nav-path-selected" ' . $target . ' href="' . $pageLink . '">' . $ni->getName() . '</a>');
} elseif ($c->getCollectionID() == $_c->getCollectionID()) {

EDIT: Nah, this didn't solve it really
EDIT2: Now it's solved, stupid me