Background image for site section

Anybody knows a way to accomplish the following:

Assign a background-image to a certain page and let the sibblings inherit this background image.

At this moment i got a custom attribute letting me choose a background image for every page but i want to give the top navigation menu item a background and all the items underneath need to inherit this background-image

thnx in advance.

senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Off the top of my head you would need to create a template for each page/section type and within your html make you body something like:

<body id="background1">

Then add all the different body ID's to your css file and link in the different backgrounds.

Their may be a javascript way of doing it but I have used the above method before.
buromax replied on at Permalink Reply
Could be an option but it requires some manual action from my side to the client creating a page type. I would like it to be choosen at the top level navigation item and then it automaticaly adds it on all sibblings.

but thnx for thinking with me!
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah I see what you mean.

Will have a think. ;-)
senshidigital replied on at Permalink Reply
Found this... it may help:

A bit of PHP and using what I suggested.