Backup / Restore missing data

I'm building a website for a client at the moment. Once a week I run a database backup and copy the /files directory to usb.
At home I restore the db backup and copy the /files dir. onto my own machine, which has an identical concrete5.4.1.1 setup.
To my amazement last week suddenly I'm missing the content of 3 pages of which 2 pages consist only of pictures and 1 page pictures and text. Looks like the backup is missing out on some data.

Does anyone have any idea or suggestion how to solve this ?

Stiny replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you ever figure out a solution to this? I'm having the same problem.

Also, by chance did you have a problem deleting those pages? Every time I try to delete them I get the response: "Could not find sitemap info." Just wondering if this is a parallel, and if I need to report this bug.
intrax replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes I did. Turned out after upgrading to wampserver 2.2 this problem disappeared, so I guess it's due to using an older php/mysql version. It's strange though the problem only surfaced after adding some specific pages.