Base URL if setting up mobile subdomain
Hi there
Will concrete5 throw a wobbly if it sees a user coming to the site through a subdomain?
Basically, my main site will be at
If I set up a (to always load the mobile theme) that will mask the main site (see here: )… will C5 not like it (eg addons licensed to www. not m. ?)
Will concrete5 throw a wobbly if it sees a user coming to the site through a subdomain?
Basically, my main site will be at
If I set up a (to always load the mobile theme) that will mask the main site (see here: )… will C5 not like it (eg addons licensed to www. not m. ?)
Take a look at this addon: I used it to great success, running about 5 subdomains off a main domain. It can also handle multiple domains being directed to one C5 installation. The developer is very helpful and there are some clear support tickets that have been solved and should help you get through any issue you may have. Well worth $60.