Beginner question about the Blog.

I just installed C5 for the first time. I tried writing a blog, and then commenting on the blog. When you comment on a blog, you have to fill in your name, and email. The name is posted below the comment, but what happens to the email that was submitted? Is there anyway to have those email addresses sent to a mailing list? I can't find anything in the forums that discusses this...

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
you can find it in dashboard/reports/logs
monobot replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the reply,
I can't find anything in there. I posted a couple of times from different computers and different email addresses...nothing in the logs
section. ??

I don't have a log in or anything set up, would this logs section only
apply to people who log in?

Otherwise, if anyone knows where the emails go from the basic blog that comes with the starter templates, that would be good to know.

Thanks again :)
12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
you don't have to login but you do have to have send email to address on reply enabled- it doesn't have to be a valid address, the system just has to send an email to it, and it will show up in logs.
monobot replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome, that's working. Thanks for the help!