Beginner Question on Making Two Columns in a Block
I am a beginner and have a very basic Web Page. I have a long list of photos with links and I'd like to make it as two columns but can't seem to figure out how to do it... Is it allowed to put link to my page so folks can see what I'm talking about?
Thanks. It is
Use the 'Add Layout' option.
Click on 'Add to Main', then click 'Add layout', choose '2' for 'Columns', click on each cell and insert your content and links .
Click on 'Add to Main', then click 'Add layout', choose '2' for 'Columns', click on each cell and insert your content and links .
Thanks much. I now have a new problem :P I added more rows than I should have. Is there a way to delete some of my rows? Again, I appreciate your time since I am just starting out with this.
In edit mode click on the '+', top left corner of layout, click 'Edit Layout' and change the number of rows.
I see where I can change the number of rows but when I change it from "100" to "10" it doesn't stay. When I save it and then publish my changes it goes back to 100.
It is preferred that you include the link to your website.