Beginners troubles with templates

Just downloaded a new theme and try now to do some small customization.
Where can I set "DIR_REL" to get the logo in the header?

       <div id="logo">
            <?php  $block = Block::getByName('My_Site_Name');?>
            <a <?php  if ( !($block && $block->bID) ) { ?>id="logo-text"<?php  } ?> href="<?php  echo DIR_REL?>/" title="<?php  echo SITE?>"><?php  if( $block && $block->bID ) $block->display(); else echo SITE;?></a>
        </div><!-- #logo ends -->
        <div id="header-area">
         $a = new Area('Header Top');
        </div><!-- #header-area ends -->
    </header><!-- header ends -->

Thanks for any help!

skyschrei replied on at Permalink Reply
Just found a answer what DIR_REL is.