Beginning Custom Themeing

Hello all! I'm new to Concrete5 (coming over from Wordpress) and overall I LOVE it!! I'm a web developer, and I'm building a site for a client currently. I've got a couple questions though...

1. In several parts of his site he wants to have arrows that he can click to switch between blocks of content (blog posts, or what have you). I've used JQuery Cycle2 plugin in the past to do this...can I use that plugin with Concrete5's block system? If not, is there a better way?

2. How can i create a blog page template that has the blog page text in one section, and then a slideshow for each blog page in another section?

I've attached an image of what I want it to look like. You can see the slideshow would be per-blog post (so a different slideshow for every post). Then I'd put the text inside a div that has the JQuery Expander plugin on it (For the "read more" part). Then over on the bottom right you can see the arrows that would shift through each blog post.

Any help?


1 Attachment

hostco replied on at Permalink Reply

If you want to save some time, FlexSlider can achieve this.

It has the ability to slide blocks using layouts and also has a page list slider which can be used for blog/composer posts.

You can create a new custom template template for it to match your design or you could modify one of the templates it comes with.

Thank you
jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
The 2nd issue can be addressed by using standard C5 elements.

I'd suggest installing the C5 demo website and play with that to implement in a test environment your requirement. It is set up with a blog type capability.

This is accomplished with a dedicated blog type page -- to which you can add any kind of content through C5 blocks -- as well as an AutoNav block on the blog index page. The AutoNav block can be configured to display pages below a specific page -- which is what you want.

Here's documentation on how the AutoNav block features work and work in concert:
ThePilot replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for y'alls suggestions!

I've thought about it some, and I think I'm going to go about it a slightly different way...could I get all blog pages and then just have a foreach loop where I echo the contents of the blog as a div?

How would I do that?

Also is there a way to get the blog title separate from its text?

I'm thinking I'll just leave an area for him to add his own slideshow or image block, and then display the actual text of the blog beneath it. Then apply the Jquery Cycle plugin to the whole div.

jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Why make life hard for yourself? Try out the various ways that C5 will do that for you. Or, if you want to roll your own, looking at the demo site will generate the info will give you the code you need.
ThePilot replied on at Permalink Reply
If C5 can do it, I'd love to use what's already there. The problem is, he wants it to work with a slider, and I don't know how to make C5 display them like that...

Wait...are they each inside their own div? (Each blog post I mean).
jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you checked out the demo site? That seems to address your 2nd requirement. Each blog post is on a separate page. You can use the Pagelist or Autonav to present information on the pages with a variety of options. And, you can put a slider block -- such as that suggested -- on each blog page.

As for the slider, take a look at addons. There are some fairly sophisticated ones available for free, or more elaborate ones at low cost:

Or, you can take an existing jquery slider and and package that as a block as those noted above are.
ThePilot replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I can definitely use one of those sliders for the slideshow he wants. But the problem is I need each blog page itself (as well it's slideshow) inside a containing slider. Is THAT easily doable?

jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
AFAIK, sliders typically work with fixed content -- either text or a single image -- but not a slider recursively. And, typically, if both text and image are combined, the text serves as a caption to the image.

The most clear path, which requires a bit of work for each slideshow, would be this.

For one blog posting, capture the desired test as well as an image from the slide show. Utilize the capabilities of a slider which also allows you to associate a hotlink with a specific graphic/text combo. Link that to the page where the blog post and slideshow are located.

This should give the effect, or come close, that your client wants.
ratsom replied on at Permalink Reply
yep i think jvan's advice is simplifies everything.
ThePilot replied on at Permalink Reply
Yepp, that would come close. But you don't think it'd be possible to have a slideshow (or slider) block inside another slider block? I'll look at the available add-ons and see if I can do this easier than coding it all myself. Thanks for your input!!
jvansanten replied on at Permalink Reply
Anything's possible...

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