Best practice for customising block CSS
What are the best practices in C5 for customising a block's CSS? In this case I'm referring specifically to the Easy Accordion block (
My first thought was to add my CSS customisations to my theme's CSS. That way the accordion skin changes with the page theme. But that doesn't work, because the accordion block's css trumps the theme's main.css.
So now I'm down to editing the block's css. Do I just edit the css in packages/mylab_easy_accordion/blocks/mylab_easy_accordion/css directory, or I'm a best to create a new css file in another directory somewhere for my customisations?
My first thought was to add my CSS customisations to my theme's CSS. That way the accordion skin changes with the page theme. But that doesn't work, because the accordion block's css trumps the theme's main.css.
So now I'm down to editing the block's css. Do I just edit the css in packages/mylab_easy_accordion/blocks/mylab_easy_accordion/css directory, or I'm a best to create a new css file in another directory somewhere for my customisations?
Copy the block in question to your /blocks folder and edit in there.
More info:
Should get you started
Good luck