Resolved - Best way to load a package module?

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I have a package that has a model and a single page, i need to call the module inside the single page page but im getting an error when i try the loader inside my single page.


so for now im doing it this way;

$pkg = package::getByHandle('my_handle');
include $pkg->getPackagePath().'/models/MyModel.php';

is there a more elegant way to do this? do i need in some way install this module when i install the package so i can call it via the Loader? Thanks for any help.

Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
just going from memory here, but i think you need to pass the package in as a second parameter, like:


but don't recall whether that's the package object or just the package handle.
ryan replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Just the handle, doesn't have to be a full package object:
mdzoidberg replied on at Permalink Reply
Tony, Ryan, Thanks a lot for the help guys, C5 rocks!