Best way to set text size in a block which is affected by theme CSS?
Let's say in my theme I have set the text (within the body CSS selector) to 1em.
Then within a block I have set the text that appears on a page through that block to a size of .9 (looks nicer at a smaller size).
The 1em and the .9em look just fine if using my theme and my block LOL.
Let's further say that I make the block available to others.
My nice look flies right out the window since others will use different themes with my block. Themes that might have the font size in the body selector set to 100%, 62.5%, 1.1em, and who knows what else.
That new size will interact with my humble .9em through CSS inheritance and the text my block displays will end up looking all different all over the place depending on which theme is being used with my block.
How do you all handle this? I mean you all that create blocks that have text displayed through them?
Then within a block I have set the text that appears on a page through that block to a size of .9 (looks nicer at a smaller size).
The 1em and the .9em look just fine if using my theme and my block LOL.
Let's further say that I make the block available to others.
My nice look flies right out the window since others will use different themes with my block. Themes that might have the font size in the body selector set to 100%, 62.5%, 1.1em, and who knows what else.
That new size will interact with my humble .9em through CSS inheritance and the text my block displays will end up looking all different all over the place depending on which theme is being used with my block.
How do you all handle this? I mean you all that create blocks that have text displayed through them?
Most people download blocks to provide functionality and themes for so maybe it is better not to specify css too much unless it is crucial too the block's functionality (such as an image gallery).