Blackberry and Opera mini mobile browser display issues
I created a custom template for a client and it displays well in just about every browser. It even displays well on most mobile browsers with the exception of Blackberry and Opera Mini browsers. My client happens to use the one browser it does not display well on.
The image shrinks on the table and does not fully load at the right size. Does anyone have any ideas?
See link here:
I don't want to create a mobile version of the site, but would consider all other suggestions.
The image shrinks on the table and does not fully load at the right size. Does anyone have any ideas?
See link here:
I don't want to create a mobile version of the site, but would consider all other suggestions.
But this really did not help the blackberry browser.
But this really did not help the blackberry browser.
Then u shud modify the theme to work with blackberries and use code specific to blckberries- I can give u a mor detailed response later if u want.
Hi 12345j,
Thank you, I would appreciate it if you could give me more details. You can ping me on messenger:
Aim: simon7m
yahoo: simon8or
Thank you, I would appreciate it if you could give me more details. You can ping me on messenger:
Aim: simon7m
yahoo: simon8or
In header.php
just create an alternate stylesheet for blackberry and link to it in this statement.
just create an alternate stylesheet for blackberry and link to it in this statement.
andrew gives a mobile template for images, and a theme for them to display with. Its pretty easy, just requires a few lines of code.