blank edit bar
I've managed to two template pages from my site in C5, but I can't edit the content because I have a blank toolbar -- there's just a white bar across the top. I've got the header and footer PHP inserts as specified, and the toolbar *does* work with the default theme instead of mine. I ran ctrl-shift-J on the page, and it brought up the following two errors: Uncaught TypeError:Cannot read property 'setoffset' of undefined (anonymous function). The other was: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property minheight of undefined. Followed by : c.extend.plugin.add.a jquery.extend.each, jquery.extend.ready.
Any hint on how to proceed? I haven't touched any code outside the php files within my theme folder (which also contain the css and js folders).
Any hint on how to proceed? I haven't touched any code outside the php files within my theme folder (which also contain the css and js folders).
sounds like possible Javascript contention. Try removing any additional Jscript items you may have loaded or any add ons and eliminate one by one.
Hey, thanks. I'd resolved the problem in the meantime, but I thought this question hadn't actually been posted, because I was just getting a spinning icon.
I'll post soon how I resolved, cause I'm not quite sure yet :)
Edit: I just removed all references to locations of Javascript code, and that seemed to fix it. No idea why!
I'll post soon how I resolved, cause I'm not quite sure yet :)
Edit: I just removed all references to locations of Javascript code, and that seemed to fix it. No idea why!
Glad to hear you have your toolbar back but that's kind of like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you remove JavaScript references one-by-one and reload the page each time, then you can find out which reference was the culprit. Make sure your C5 caching is off in the Dashboard and make sure your browser caching is off and do a 'hard' page refresh in your browser by hitting CTR+SHFT+R or CTRL+F5
Also, for better help in the forums, you need to quote the complete, exact error message, not a translated summary because there are often clues buried in the exact error message that will point to the solution. If you summarize, you often leave out these subtle clues.
Also, for better help in the forums, you need to quote the complete, exact error message, not a translated summary because there are often clues buried in the exact error message that will point to the solution. If you summarize, you often leave out these subtle clues.
That's what's funny, all my Javascript still works, even though I deleted all the external references, like this one: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath()?>/js/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
Perhaps all the javascript needed to run my scripts is already contained within the C5 folders? (That's just a guess.) Or perhaps there's a syntax error in the way I pointed the src with the php insert. Anyway, it's all good for now.
Perhaps all the javascript needed to run my scripts is already contained within the C5 folders? (That's just a guess.) Or perhaps there's a syntax error in the way I pointed the src with the php insert. Anyway, it's all good for now.
That was indeed the problem and you nailed the answer. C5 already loads jQuery so if you load it again, you lose the edit bar.
Ha! I should've known. I'll eternally remember that :)