Blank page URGENT

As i am doing this webiste for contest this i really urgent.

I have a problem that my registrated users cant see a thing when they are logged in. As guest they can see everythig.

I(as administrator) can see everything.
Note: page premission for view there was only guess i put registrated users but did not help.

i checked with page source, nothing in the body section.

    <!-- NAVBAR
    ================================================== -->
    <!-- Wrap the .navbar in .container to center it on the page and provide easy way to target it with .navbar-wrapper. -->
      <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" Unable to get permission key for edit

This is the thing im getting last, can anyone help me please. this is really important to me.

My webiste is
you can check yourself.

thank you in advanced!

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried clearing the cache on your site? This looks like it is either a permissions issue or that the site cache got messed up somehow.
espot replied on at Permalink Reply
as i have cleared cache on my computer few times it still shows that bug. Friend that has tryed has gotten the same thing.

This is the picture of current premissions on the website. I hope you can help me somehow
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried clearing the Concrete5 Cache? It's under System & Settings, Clear Cache.
espot replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tryed it now, still same problem.

and still last thing in the code is
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-fixed-top" Unable to get permission key for edit

it looks like permission but i dont know.

edit: because of this "for edit" i dont know if it wants to go into edit mode. something is really wierd going on.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have any custom code in your navigation?

From this error it looks like the navbar is trying to get Edit permissions.

Do you have Advanced Permissions turned on or Simple Permissions?
espot replied on at Permalink Reply
"Advanced permissions are turned on."

i dont have. i've tryed to delete dropdown in navbar but and did some editing but as i remember it was not wroking before that editing.

BTW i havent been able to remove navbar dropdown menu.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
I think what is happening is that the Users who are logged in do not have permission to view/edit the Stack or Global Area that the navigation is inside of.

What theme are you using?

If you go into either the /packages/package_name/themes/elements/header.php or /packages/package_name/themes/page_type_name.php can you see what stack or global area is called at that place in the theme?
espot replied on at Permalink Reply
I am using basic bootstrap theme.

got it from here: " "

*i have put codes with print screen images to save space in postm i hope that is not the problem

here is header code in image link:

here is right sidebar code in image (most of the pages if not all are right sidebar):

edit: i have realised that its says inc element/header_afixed.php so here is body part of that file:
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Alright, I can tell you where the error is coming from, but I'm not exactly sure how to fix it.

In your element/header_afixed.php there is some code that looks like this:
<?php if($ps && $ps->canEdit()){ echo 'style="margin-top: 50px!important;z-index: 2!important;"';}?>

This is the code that is causing the problem. It looks like it adds some margin to the top of the navbar if it can be edited by the user who is currently logged in. If your users aren't going to be editing the header from the front end I would juse remove that whole section of the code, then you can just edit the header from the Stacks area in the Dashboard if needed.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
If you need to keep that functionality you could try replacing
global $c;

$c = Page::getCurrentPage();

but I'm not sure if that will fix it or not.
espot replied on at Permalink Reply
I've deleted it and it works!


i don't think that i really need them to edit header. again thank you very much!
mongo replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for posting this, however it still shows a blank page.

Anything else we could try as we dont want to delete the code !

timelaw replied on at Permalink Reply
Also, I think that if you change:

if ($ps && $ps->canEdit())

to this instead:

if ($ps && $ps->canWrite())

It should work fine. But I also did what you suggested with the global variable and instead wrote what you wrote.

I could not find the function canEdit() for the Permission class and I think that canWrite() is the one intented. I switched, and it worked.
mongo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, thanks ever so much for your post, that worked great
