Block and packages

Concreate5 Support team,
i am digging in concrete5 and learn lot more now. I have create package with different block. Every thing working fine. Now what i want to know is how to create database table for the particular block having with different column.

Lets say i have block for user information. and i have form field of firstname, lastname. contactno. user_type, created_at. Now i want to save this in database table means i want to do CRUD.
To do CRUD what are the things should i need to consider. What are the field should i need to create in database table.

At last how to create table row having enum, timestamp field in db.xml file.

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
You can find more about the db.xml here:

As for creating blocks, take a look at the core concrete5 blocks. See how things are being done in there. Of course, you can also take a look at the documentation:

Or get an Add-On to create blocks for you instead (if on version 5.7.x or 8.x):