Block Dialog Tabs Issue

I'm working on a block, and I need to have a 'Settings' tab in the block form dialog. I can't get mine to work! What is the basic syntax for this? How is it done? Please show code examples. Thanx!

ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
I am looking for this as well. all the C5 examples I have found do not work... but I am using c5.7, and perhaps that is why... but still it is not clear to me why they are not working.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Hi growthcurve,

Just to make sure I understand what you mean by tabs. I attached an image that has three tabs "Feed Details", "Feed Settings", and "Text and Colors".

Are these the type of tabs you are referring to?

If so, I can write up the syntax and a code example.
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
as for me, this is perfect! Thanks
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem, I will write it up tonight.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
1. Tab use in forms uses the concrete ui helper.
2. The concrete ui helper will use the tabs method.
3. The tabs() method takes an array of "tab info" arrays.
tabs($tabs, $jstabs=true, $callback= 'ccm_activateTabBar')
- the first value of a tab info array is the data-tab name used in the data-tab hook for JavaScript
- the second value of a tab info array is the displayed tab title used as the label for the tab
- the third value is a boolean that sets the initial active tab
array('feed-details', t('Feed Details'), true)
- "feed-details" is the data-tab name
- "Feed Details" is the tab title
- "true" means this tab will be the initial active tab
4. Each tab section is wrapped in an element with a specific id and class.
- the id is the data-tab name prefixed with "ccm-tab-content-" - e.g. an id with the data-tab of "settings" would be "ccm-tab-content-settings"
- the class is "ccm-tab-content"
5. Place the desired form elements inside each tab section wrapper.

I attached a screenshot of what the example tabs would look like.

Example: form with three tabs
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
print Core::make('helper/concrete/ui')->tabs(array(
    array('feed-details', t('Feed Details'), true),
    array('feed-settings', t('Feed Settings')),
    array('text-colors', t('Text and Colors'))
<div id="ccm-tab-content-feed-details" class="ccm-tab-content">
    <div class="form-group">
        <?php echo $form->label('text1', t('Text 1'));?>
        <?php print $form->text('text1', $text1)?>
<div id="ccm-tab-content-feed-settings" class="ccm-tab-content">
    <div class="form-group">

Example: the HTML output for the tabs
<ul class="nav-tabs nav" id="ccm-tabs-13192">
    <li class="active">
        <a href="#" data-tab="feed-details">Feed Details</a>
    <li class="">
        <a href="#" data-tab="feed-settings">Feed Settings</a>
    <li class="">
        <a href="#" data-tab="text-colors">Text and Colors</a>
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
WOOHOO! Works like a charm!

No way I would ever have figured this one out on my own. Even with all the searching I did I never ran across anything that was so c57 specific.

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
I am new to concrete5 in general, so 5.7 was the first version I was exposed to.

Before there was any documentation, and now limited documentation, I went through all the core blocks to try and figure out how they worked.

I also downloaded all the free blocks in the marketplace to look at how they were built too.

I am looking forward to extensive documentation and seeing how I can contribute.

You are an experienced programmer, I bet you've found out how to do things a bunch of us would like to know. We all need to pool it together.
ntisithoj replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah the 5.7 docs are a bit sad currently.... and I also downloaded a bunch of blocks to see how they work (some of which I still don't understand), but was still lacking in the tabs dept.

I plan on writing a how-to on the hows and whys of blocks that generate blocks... and the huge advantages that can have... bit I need to get a bit more polished in c57.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
That would be great. I look forward to them.

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