Blog Block...not pupulating first few lines of text.

So I followed a great tutorial on here about how to do a blog on my web page using a main page with a list then sub-pages off of it...

However my main blog page only list the titles and not the first main block of text on each

I replicated the setup on

MFChop replied on at Permalink Reply
ignore my miss-spelling lol
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Make sure the sub-pages are actually the "Blog Entry" Page Type (edit the page, click "Design" in the toolbar). If that's not the issue, can you say what theme you're using? Or if you have customized it yourself at all?
MFChop replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah they are set as "Blog Entry". Im using Plain yogurt....

The site is

Not sure what im missing here
MFChop replied on at Permalink Reply
Nevermind just figured out the issue on my own custom template wasnt set to "Blog Index"

Thank you anyways
nerdess replied on at Permalink Reply

Can you describe in detail how you fixed this? As I am having the same issue at the moment.....

Thanks :-)
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Go to your blog index page, enter edit mode, click on the page list block (where it's showing the blog post titles), choose "Custom Template" from the popup menu. Make sure "Blog Index" is selected in the dropdown list there.
nerdess replied on at Permalink Reply
oh, it's that simple!

hm, now i get

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Controller::getCommentCountString() in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\concrete5\concrete\blocks\page_list\templates\blog_index.php on line 18

but i will solve that tomorrow as it's....d'oh....4:30am already.
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
You're probably getting that error because you don't have the "Blog Entry" page type set on all of the pages underneath that index page (or you have the page list block on that index page set to pull pages from across the entire site).
To solve this, edit that page list block (this time click on it and choose "Edit" from the popup menu, not Custom Templates like last time), and the first field at the top of the edit window should be a dropdown that lets you filter only certain page types. Choose "Blog Entry" from that list and update the block.