Blog Page List displays All blog-entries or None. But I need only specific.


I have a problem that I can't solve with the build in Concrete5 functions.

I have a site that has three Blogs. Every blog is on is own link and there is also the summary page, where all blog entries are shown. So far everything looks beautiful.
But the catche is that I have a multilingual site with 3 languages. And every langue has the same structure. That means that I now see in the summary page blog entries from all three languages (which are manily the same just translated into other language) and that is NOT what I want.

To understand easier, here is a little hierarchy preview of my site:

Language #1:
-BLOG (the summary page)
- news for the media
- our new offers
- interesting stuff

Language #2:
-BLOG (the summary page)
- news for the media
- our new offers
- interesting stuff

Language #3:
-BLOG (the summary page)
- news for the media
- our new offers
- interesting stuff

The Blog Summary site has the Page List block added and the selected options are:
- Display: ...Blog Entry
- Filter: Display all aliases
- Location on website: Everywhere!!! - I have this choosen Because:

if I choose:
- Beneth this page -> Beneth this page are The three subpages, so I get just the links for my three blogs but not the Blog Entries. So the page is empty
- Beneth another page -> this could solve it, but You can choose only ONE page here and since I have three Blogs there is no use of this option.

So I would gues that the solution would be if I could be able to select more subpages with the display option "Beneth another page". But how do you do this? And is there maybe another, better solution?!

Please help.

RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
This is one reason ProBlog exists. to have more specialized section and category filtering combinations.

Agetis replied on at Permalink Reply
I would really like to buy your product if it solves my problems, but I don't have a CrediCard at the moment. Is there another option to get it?

Or does maybe somebody have some ideas how to do little php tweaks to make this work?!
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I think short of having 3 separate page list blocks on each summary page (one for each of the 3 sub-blogs beneath it), you'll need to use a more advanced solution like Chad pointed out.
Agetis replied on at Permalink Reply
O, Jordanlev, I didn't see your answer. Interesting! This could probably be a solution in the short run. Thanks!
Agetis replied on at Permalink Reply
Now I'm suffering from another simptome. I can not Update the changes for my Page list!
When I want to make some changes to the display option in my page list block and then click Update I just see the progress icon for a long time but nothing happens.

I had this problem before, but I thought it's just a cache issue, but doesn't look like one. I'm running 5.4.2 version.

How do I now solve this problem?