Blog Post Images..... WTF???
Hi is anyone else having the issue with the built in blog thumbnails where they're all displaying the same image?
very weird issue I've never had before today but had 2sites do it withing the space of a day after everything appeared fine!!
very weird issue I've never had before today but had 2sites do it withing the space of a day after everything appeared fine!!
I agree with Israh!
Thanks Irsah
That seems to work ok.. I this a known issue. Never had a problem with this before?
I just customise the pre-installed themes but never touch the blog stuff.
That seems to work ok.. I this a known issue. Never had a problem with this before?
I just customise the pre-installed themes but never touch the blog stuff.
Hey... sometimes it happens..
great it worked out.. anyway nice site, luv the color tone...
great it worked out.. anyway nice site, luv the color tone...
Ok I think I'm going to bite the bullet and install the pro blog add-on. seems a stable package..
Thanks for the compliment... it came out nice :)
Thanks for the compliment... it came out nice :)
I would check your template first (or the block, depending on how your blog is set up).
hi nicolechung...
what would I be looking for in the blog block that might cause this?
what would I be looking for in the blog block that might cause this?
Using the core pagelist > blog thumbnail template, it's grabing the object from a particular page with a named Thumbnail Image area. If your using ie Greek Yogurt theme, in edit mode you will find an area named Page Thumbnail. Change that image and pagelist blog thumbnail image will change accordingly.
You can try to change few pages image in edit mode > save and see weather those pages has the proper permissions. Clearing cache might help too...
Never had the issue before but hope it helps.