Blog thumbnail - don't show if no image

I have a theme which I'm developing, and I have a small but annoying issue with it. Basically I have a hardcoded page list to show blog entries. My problem is that any blog posts that don't have thumbnails are showing them up as a broken image link. I need to use an if statement to only show the image if it exists but I can't figure it out. Code shown below:

<div class="image-link">
   <a <?php  if ($target != '') { ?> target="<?php echo $target?>" <?php  } ?> href="<?php echo $nh->getLinkToCollection($cobj)?>">
      $ts = $cobj->getBlocks('Thumbnail Image');
      if (is_object($ts[0])) {
         $tsb = $ts[0]->getInstance();
         $thumb = $tsb->getFileObject();
            $imgHelper->outputThumbnail($thumb, 1000, 1000, $title);
