Bootstrap dropdown tab color
I am using the standard Bootstrap navbar.
I have one submenu on the navbar but when I trigger the submenu to open, the parent item has a light grey background.
Chrome tells me the class is li.dropdown open
I have tried altering several of the items in the bootstrap.css without success 9 even creating a separate class in my style.css) but nothing seems to work.
Any ideas please?
I have one submenu on the navbar but when I trigger the submenu to open, the parent item has a light grey background.
Chrome tells me the class is li.dropdown open
I have tried altering several of the items in the bootstrap.css without success 9 even creating a separate class in my style.css) but nothing seems to work.
Any ideas please?
The element does not have a background color set. Its child link has the background color set.
The element does not have a background color set. Its child link has the background color set.
.nav .open > a, .nav .open > a:hover, .nav .open > a:focus { background-color: #eee; border-color: #337ab7; }
Have you tried clearing concrete5's cache?
What is the address of your website?