Broken MySQL data will NOT show when calling from the month of march (Concrete 5.7)

we are running our school and we are trying to convert to concrete5 and we have our announcements running through our database. we call them by date posted and date expired and all of the announcements the were posted after 2015-03-% but anything posted in another month and year will work
$query = $db->Execute ("SELECT * FROM announcements WHERE posted LIKE '2015-03-%' ORDER BY ASC");
if ($query && $query->RowCount()) {
   while ($row = $query->fetchRow()) {
      echo '<div class="announcement_title">';
      echo '<p class="announce_text">'.$row['title'].'</p>';
      echo '</div>';
      echo '<div class="announcement_info">';
      echo '<p class="announce_text">'.$row['content'].'</p>';
      echo '</div>';}
   $db = Loader::db(null, null, null, null, true);

where "posted" is the date when the announcement was made
but any other date will work

WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
How many entries are there in the table for this month?
It pulls info for Feb 2015 ok?
megafire121 replied on at Permalink Reply
yes it pulled info just fine for the month of February and there are 56 entries so far this month
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
do you have access to the database with something like phpmyadmin.
Are you able to test out the exact same query - the full query with any joins etc?

Has the data format changed recently?
Did the input method change at all?
WebcentricLtd replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just noticed in your query above you have an order by but no column specified - is that the actual query you are using or just an example?