Bug with Bootstrap Carousel and C5

Hi Guys,

Been wondering for a while now why my Twitter Bootstrap Carousel doesn't work when I render it in C5. After much trial and error, I traced the problem down to ccm.app.js.

Here's my Carousel code:

<div id="myCarousel" class="carousel slide">
        <!-- Carousel items -->
        <div class="carousel-inner">
         <div class="item active"><img src="/index.php/download_file/1/1/"></div>
         <div class="item "><img src="/index.php/download_file/2/1/"></div>
         <div class="item "><img src="/index.php/download_file/3/1/"></div>
         <div class="item "><img src="/index.php/download_file/4/1/"></div>
         <div class="item "><img src="/index.php/download_file/5/1/"></div>
         <div class="item "><img src="/index.php/download_file/6/1/"></div>
        <!-- Carousel nav -->
        <a class="carousel-control left" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="prev"></a>
        <a class="carousel-control right" href="#myCarousel" data-slide="next"></a>

I then init with:

          interval: 5000

It will display the first slide, then the second, and then stop. Pressing the next/previous buttons displays one slide, then won't work any more.

Turns out if I remove

<script type="text/javascript" src="/concrete/js/ccm.app.js?v=e35f14d114b2ab1e6bac8865c1fd1ad0"></script>

All starts working perfectly.

I really would like to continue using the Bootstrap Carousel so I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this or has any advice on how to debug this further ?

Many thanks


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
I think that Nivo Slider could be interfering,
not 100% sure though, could you provide a live example?
edhebert replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the identical problem, and am interested to know if anyone finds a solution.
edhebert replied on at Permalink Reply
by the way, my site is under development, but I've activated it temporarily so you can see the problem.

edhebert replied on at Permalink Reply
Just noticed that the issue only appears when I am logged in with the dashboard open. The issue disappears once I'm logged out. So that's actually not too bad, although there's a conflict between Bootstrap's Carousel and the C5 admin panel.
tlloyduk replied on at Permalink Reply
This is what I did to fix it:

I changed (from my footer page):

To be:

   global $u;
   if ($u->isLoggedIn ()) {

edhebert replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks Tim!