build a Mall website

I've been using concrete5 for 2 years now, building standard websites.I'm in a struggle to see if C5 can design a shopping mall website similar to this
the alphabetical directory view is what has me stumped..
of course mall staff should be able to add stuff easily .

any suggestions

Cahueya replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey there,

basically yes, a site like that should be doable.

For the alphabetically directory, you could set this up with pagelist blocks, there's 2 ways:

1. Create page Types (A-Z)
When a customer sets up his or her page, he just chooses the page type with the appropriate Letter.

You set up the directory with a number of page-list blocks where each displays pages just of a specific pagetype (A-Z)

2. Create page attributes (A-Z), select
I believe there are some advanced page list blocks in the marketplace and I've read some things about displaying page with page attributes in the forum, the search will help you with that.
oaknshield replied on at Permalink Reply
ok yes page attributes ... I did'nt think of that ... I used page list +, it had that feature
I will check it ... thanks..
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
The alphabetical menu is actually the easy part. Either add an autonav or pagelist and order by name. Then write a block template for it. Package it all up cleanly and you're set for that part.

The shopping back-end can be dedicated or integrated. That means you can use either a SaaS ecommerce solution and just send the product id's to the API and let them do the processing, then just design the views for the resulting templates, which can be made in a nice package too.

Well if you want to setup C5 eCommerce yourself, then it's much more complicated and I would not recommend doing that, unless it's a requirement or you really want it. The reason is simple, adjusting the eCommerce views to your liking is more work than it's worth to pay for (to be honest with you). It's not very flexible either, but there is no truly good opensource shopping cart, that is also very fast. That's why you better stick with an SaaS (Sofware as a Service) here in my opinon.