Bulk Loading of MYSQL Tables

Our original website has tables of data with 2000+ entries and pages generated dynamically using 'hand crafted' php. Whilst I can generate the tables to contain this data through the db.xml file and create pages to display and modify occurrences of it I can't find any information on how to bulk load the data within the concrete5 framework to keep the integrity of the identifiers. Can someone point me at the appropriate documentation.



JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want to keep that data pretty much as-is, you could code the core of your existing php into a single page to handle that site subtree:


Otherwise, you could write a job or tool file to read a csv or xml dump of your existing data and create regular pages in concrete5 from that.
DL0rnie replied on at Permalink Reply
So one option is to wrap the existing code with the theme to create a single page for the site. I assume I then recreate the tables within our concrete5 database but without any concrete5 identifier.

I would rather work within the Concrete framework then users could use the standard form format for adding and editing data which they already use to put captions on images etc. This would give a consistent look and feel across the site and allow me to make use concretes built in functionality and in doing this I would learn mote about concrete.

I have a block which provides a form for data input but what I want is a means to bulk input, using a csv would be fine, to update the table and the relevant internal tables to maintain the integrity of the bID.