C5 Master Control Panel
Hi, I'm interested in using a VPS to offer my customers C5 installs. I would likely use CentOS for this. On this server I would have about 20-40 C5 installs running. Is there anything like "Master Control Panel" ability in C5 that with some type of app on the server I could log into it and admin and monitor multiple C5 installs? With this "app" I could push bulk updates, change passwords, change privileges, add/delete users and modules, etc, without having to log into to each C5 install running on the server.

There is a cPanel addon made by the developers of concrete5 that allows this.
Thanks but I'm doing a VPS and I wouldn't spend money on cPanel so I can't use the add-on. I was thinking more along the lines of a php type app that I could install on the server and from it manage/admin all of my C5 installs that my customers would be hosting from.