C5 site based around forms controlled by users and groups, info in thread, any ideas?

I have been making simple sites for a while now exclusively using C5, I love it. I am currently trying to figure out how to build a site for our, and other volunteer search and rescue organizations. Below I will outline what I want to do and I am looking for ideas to get me going in the right direction, I don't know where to start with this or if it is even possible without getting into writing a bunch of code (Which I am not good at, hopefully I can pull most of this off using off the shelf stuff with some modifications).

What I need to accomplish....
We want to keep track of our training logs and share them with the team and state agencies only, there will be multiple users in different teams viewable only by themselves, their team, and any state or federal organizations the team wishes to share their records with. Each user will submit a form with their training log information for each training session. Once submitted this information can not be edited. The user will be able to go to a page to view their training logs, a team will be able to view all their members training logs on a page with a list under each user, or selecting a user. A state or federal agency will be able to view a page with teams, then users under the chosen team. None of this will be able to be edited by anyone except an admin if needed. I will be doing the same thing with scans of members certifications.

So my plan is to use groups with users belonging to a group (team) and groups belonging to an agency (group of groups). No problem there, I understand how to do all of that. I understand form creation and displaying, etc. Where I am stumbling is figuring out something that will display the form data for a user with a general query on a page based on user name, then a team page that queries the forms using the users names belonging to that group, then an agency page that queries the team groups pulling all of the members form results.

Any idea of any plugins that can help me accomplish this? or any ideas on a query I can write that will pull the data needed based on forms by user or group and just display it in a non editable format?

I know enough to get it sorted out if I can just get through this wall of not knowing which form plugin to use, or the generic form, and how to associate the form to a user and how to query for all of a groups users forms to be displayed when clicking on a name in a list of that groups usernames bringing up a list of training logs that maybe have a quick summation and can be clicked on for the entire form or log.

Any thoughts or ideas?

